miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

St Augustine's Catholic Primary School y Nuestra Escuela

Year 4 making a video-call to Buenos Aires, Argentina! 
We've just had lunch and they've just had breakfast!


This is email reply we received a few days after the call
Hi, Mr Dodson!
My kids were SO happy with the call!!! Here are some of their comments:
1 - It was great that we could talk in so many languages!!!
2 - We loved it when they cheered for Messi.
3 - A couple of girls loved your students' school uniform (and could describe it in detail... I myself couldn't)
4 - Kids were surprised to see you wearing a suit (teachers here wear white pinafores just like students)
5 - Some of them commented on your hair style and said you look like a "mad scientist" :-) 
6 - Kids said it was so tender ("les dio ternura") to listen to your students speaking Spanish(and I said yours probably thought it was tender to listen to them speaking English...)
7 - They enjoyed learning they play the same games: Minecraft and... (I can`t remember the other one..)
8 - I realized my question "Where is it from?" referring to Liverpool Football Club wasn't all that bright :-) The thing is I hadn`t heard 
which football Club your student was talking about!! 
Well, thanks a lot! It has been very motivating for my students! 
Have a brilliant week!
Mrs Giancarlo

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